Cardinale Supports Allowing Self-Serve Gas During COVID-19 Crisis

Cardinale Supports Allowing Self-Serve Gas During COVID-19 Crisis
Says Drivers Should Have Choice to Social Distance While Fueling Up
Senator Gerald Cardinale expressed support for allowing New Jerseyans to pump their own gas during the COVID-19 public health emergency.
“It’s amazing that we continue to force New Jerseyans to violate social distancing guidelines at the gas pumps,” said Cardinale. “From a public health perspective, limiting unnecessary personal interaction at gas pumps would protect both workers and customers from unnecessary risk while the coronavirus is still spreading. If a station has four pumps, including one with an attendant, drivers should have a choice to select where they fill up based on their personal preference for maintaining convenience or limiting face-to-face interactions during the pandemic.”
New Jersey and Oregon are the only two states in the nation that do not allow customers to pump their own gas.
“Oregon has temporarily lifted its ban on self-service in response to the public health emergency,” added Cardinale. “New Jersey should too.”