Cayetano For Council Announces 1,700+ Doors Touched in Ward 3 & Campaign Endorsements!


Mission accomplished! The Cayetano For Council Campaign led a weekend full of activity in Ward 3. They held a Coffee With Craig Q&A at Andy’s Corner on Saturday morning then spent much of the day with volunteers canvassing throughout Ward 3. On Sunday, they finished their goal of going back into Ward 3 one more time and touching over 1,700+ doors!


Craig Cayetano said “I’m so proud of our volunteers! Our message is being embraced in town and our Green Vision & Future plan is being received by all Hawthorne residents, not just those in Ward 3. Our volunteers have been a mix of people across political lines, Independents and of course our local Hawthorne residents, not paid canvassers. This is what grassroots democracy looks like and people power is what has propelled this campaign. With a win on Tuesday I look forward to working with the current administration and the incoming council!”


In these last two days the campaign will continue its work to get out the vote. Communication has always been key with the campaign and they are making time to be accessible in person or via social media. This builds upon Craig Cayetano’s principles of being locally involved, in the Hawthorne Green Team and especially by attending town council meetings. They have had a full website:, Facebook page: Cayetano4Council, Twitter: Green4Ward3 and Instagram: Cayetano4Council since their original campaign announcement.


As an Independent Green Party candidate for Hawthorne Ward 3, it can be hard to get traditional, organizational or party backed endorsements. This makes the campaign most appreciative of the Green Party US LatinX Caucus endorsement along with Green Party NJ & US support this year. Also, the Good Government Coalition Of New Jersey (GGCNJ) showed support online, ranking the campaign with three badges!


This is a link to their ranking of the campaign.


They have received multiple personal endorsements of support for their campaign, as posts or videos on Facebook, from former candidates for political office in New Jersey across party lines, current office holders, those currently running for office and Hawthorne residents.


Elisabeth Dello Buono, Hawthorne Ward 3 resident was quoted saying, “Acting local and thinking global is a critical part of our future. Not only does Craig have the best interest of everyone on a societal level he’s also fighting for better environmental conditions on a realistic local scale. We can’t afford to wait. Change begins with us now.  Leaders like Craig have to be our future.”


The Campaign wants the focus to be on the issues and concerns for those in Ward 3. Every voice matters to them...As advocates for Hawthorne, the campaign seeks to connect the community and work towards the future every resident deserves! Vote “Person Over Party” on November 5th. Vote Row C for Craig in Ward 3! The campaign thanks you! 

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