The New Jersey Statehouse and Capitol Building In Trenton



TRENTON – (February 23, 2021) – The Chemistry Council of New Jersey (CCNJ) issued the following statement in response to Governor Murphy’s FY2022 Budget Address. All quotes may be attributed to Executive Director Dennis Hart


“There is no question that the last year has tested our resilience as a people and an industry. The business of chemistry in New Jersey, deemed essential by the federal and state governments, safely worked to produce the products essential to our safety and public health. Even with all the challenges presented by 2020, chemicals remained New Jersey’s largest export, representing $8.9 Billion or 24.3% of exports from New Jersey to the world.  If the last year has taught us anything, it is the value of being able to manufacture essential chemicals and products locally to meet consumer demand and support our restart and recovery efforts.


While Governor Murphy’s $44.8 billion budget continues to address social inequalities through various programs, it is important to remember that job training and access too high-paying jobs, like those offered by the business of chemistry, are a more sustainable way of lifting New Jerseyans out of poverty and increasing wealth.  The government has a role in providing a safety net for its citizens, but forward-thinking governments also see the value of making sure employers can thrive in state economies to support good, high-paying jobs. The manufacturing sector in New Jersey built the middle class of this state, and the manufacturing sector, including the chemical sector, should be a partner in finding solutions to our economic problems. We ask the Murphy administration and legislators as they finalize the state budget to ensure it reflects opportunities for all sectors of our economy and encourage predictable and consistent policies and regulations that protect the environment and allow manufacturing businesses to invest in New Jersey – and just as important – hire New Jerseyans.


New Jersey can be proud of its well-educated workforce, but it can be just as proud of its skilled workforce, who helped us out when we needed them the most during this crisis, and we must create more opportunities for them – and the manufacturing sector can be that opportunity. We can use New Jersey’s existing infrastructure to grow our manufacturing sector so that we are better prepared to deal with emergencies in the future. A stronger and fairer New Jersey economy benefits from a strong and thriving chemical manufacturing sector.”



The Chemistry Council of New Jersey (CCNJ), founded in 1955, is the trade and advocacy organization representing the interests of more than 60 New Jersey manufacturers and 45 firms in the business of chemistry. Our membership consists of large and small companies that are part of New Jersey’s chemical, pharmaceutical, consumer packaged goods, petroleum, flavor & fragrances, and precious metals industries. The CCNJ is committed to a better quality of life through science.

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