CD-10 GOP Candidate Calls on Rep. Payne to Denounce BLM Activist’s Call To Destroy Depictions of Christ

(Bayonne, NJ) Republican 10th Congressional District candidate Jennifer Zinone is calling on Rep Donald Payne Jr. (D-NJ-10th) to condemn Black Lives Matter Activist Shaun King for urging the destruction of statues and stained-glass windows and other depictions of Jesus Christ claiming they are forms of white supremacy and racist propaganda.

“Shaun King’s statement were an outrageous provocation to Christians and an ignorant assault of people of faith,” said Zinone, a former official in the evangelical Lutheran Church of America.
The BLM activist wrote on his Twitter account that “I think the statues of the white European they claim is Jesus should also come down. They are a form of white supremacy. Always have been.”

“King’s call for more destruction of property amidst a national epidemic of destruction is not helping the cause of blacks or helping to unite our nation,” added Zinone, a Bayonne resident.

Zinone, 47, is calling on Rep. Payne to denounce King’s statements on depictions of Jesus Christ and take a stand against what may lead to senseless destruction of churches everywhere.

“Congressman Payne has an obligation to stand up for the people of faith in his district. He has an opportunity to fight the divisiveness that extremists like Shaun King are sowing. He should speak out now,” said Zinone.

“I trust that Mr. Payne knows full well that Christians throughout the world see Jesus in their image, whether that be black, brown, or white; blonde or dark haired,” added Zinone. “If no one speaks out to stop King, there will be more violence, and more destruction. Is that what Rep. Payne wants?”

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