CD 7 candidate Linda Weber Calls on Rep. Leonard Lance to Demand Trump’s Resignation

Linda Weber Calls on Rep. Leonard Lance to Demand Trump’s Resignation

Since his inauguration, not a day has gone by without Donald Trump saying or doing something divisive, destructive, or dangerous.   After public pressure, Republicans like Rep. Leonard Lance respond with an obligatory statement or a quote feebly criticizing him. Not once have these words been followed up with action. Instead, Congressional Republicans enable and indulge Trump by supporting his extreme and reckless agenda. In fact, Rep. Lance continues to vote with Donald Trump 93% of the time. As a consequence, Trump continues to denigrate the office of the presidency. Now, with the tragic and alarming events in Charlottesville, he has reached a new low.

The tragedy in Charlottesville offers a clear opportunity for us as Americans to show where we stand. A young woman was murdered for standing up to the forces of racism and antisemitism. We are either for or against this hate and bigotry. Now is not the time for empty words or equivocation; it is a time for action. Donald Trump made his choice; he decided to defend those who are or who affiliate with white supremacists and neo-Nazis. Those who “enthusiastically” supported Trump in the past election, like Leonard Lance, must now decide whether they still stand with him.

It is not enough to say that we are better than this; we MUST be better than this. Make no mistake, Donald Trump continues to behave this way because he knows that he can. He believes that he will not be held accountable by Rep. Lance or any Congressional Republicans. In the absence of accountability, Trump will continue to divide us and damage our great democracy. That is why I am calling on Rep. Leonard Lance to join with me in demanding that Donald Trump resign the office of the presidency. Donald Trump has proven over and over again that he is not fit to lead this nation; all members of his party who believe in the decency of America must now make a stand for the good of our country.


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