CD12 GOP Candidate Razzoli: No Place for Hatred in Public Office

Old Bridge Councilman Mark Razzoli

No Place for Hatred in Public Office


Can someone please explain why, in the great City of Trenton, Councilwoman Robin Vaughn is still holding public office? Vaughn, who in an anti-gay temper tantrum and maybe not-so-temporary loss of judgement, made crude and homophobic statements directed squarely at Mayor Gusciora and Councilman Joseph Harrison. Vaughn who also recently defended Council President, Kathy McBride following an anti-Semitic comment, continues with her hate-filled, vile commentary that clearly speaks her truth. Words she previously referred to as “verbs” are inexcusable and were said with hateful intent.


The fabric of New Jersey communities is rich with diversity and nothing less than inclusiveness will be tolerated. Anyone who exhibits an obvious prejudice toward our citizens for their religious beliefs or sexual orientation, has no place in public office.


Congresswoman Bonnie Watson-Coleman can turn a blind eye all she wants, but her constituents in the 12th District deserve much better. This type of behavior, under Governor Murphy’s administration, should be addressed immediately. The people of Trenton should not and cannot condone this type of hate speech, especially from a public servant.


For an elected official to perpetuate an already flippant culture of sexual abuse, anti-Semitism, and anti-gay sentiment is unconscionable, and I call on Ms. Vaughn to resign her position.


Mark Razzoli, Old Bridge Councilman, District 12 Congressional Candidate 2020

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