Central Jersey Progressive Democrats: Ethics Complaints Filed Against Piscataway School Board Member Nitang Patel for Anti-Muslim Flyer
Ethics Complaints Filed Against Piscataway School Board Member Nitang Patel for Anti-Muslim Flyer; Residents to Press for Apology for Dr. Nazir at Thursday Council Meeting
Piscataway, NJ — Today, a multiple count complaint was filed against Piscataway Board of Education member Nitang Patel with the New Jersey School Ethics Commission for knowingly and willfully violating basic ethics standards in the June 4 Democratic Primary. Mr. Patel was one of three signatories to an Anti-Muslim letter targeting Dr. Atif Nazir, that was circulated to Indian American households by the wife of Piscataway Mayor Brian Wahler and paid for by Sen. Bob Smith (D-17). The other two signatories are Piscataway Councilman Kapil Shah and Zoning Board member Kalpesh Patel.
“Mr. Patel represented himself as a member of the Board of Education, which is a non-partisan entity. He did not include required clarifying language that he was not speaking for the Board. He did not clarify that he was speaking as an individual, and not in his role as a Board member,” said Dr. Nazir, who filed the complaint today.
“It is the fundamental responsibility of our Board of Education to act with integrity and without bias,” said Dr. Nazir, a former member of the Board himself. “Mr. Patel and the other supporters of this letter must be held accountable for violating the public trust.”
The Star Ledger Editorial Board urged Sen. Smith to apologize for the flyer, along with more than 400 elected officials, community leaders and residents. No apology has been made. Piscatway residents plan to attend the next Township council meeting, Thursday June 13 at 7:30 PM, to demand an apology from the Piscataway Democrats responsible for the flyer.
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