Central Jersey Progressive Democrats Urge Delay in Piscataway Dem Reorg Meeting to #MakeEveryVoteCount

Central Jersey Progressive Democrats Urge Delay in Piscataway Dem Reorg Meeting to #MakeEveryVoteCount

Piscataway, NJ — One Democratic Committee race is still too close to call, and will be decided by provisional ballots on Tuesday. Progressive Democrats called on Piscataway Democratic Organization Chair Ted Light to delay the Committee’s Reorganization meeting until after every vote has been counted.

In an email to Light, CJPD spokesperson Mindy Walsh noted that no one from the organization has communicated details about the reorganization meeting to the candidates who won off the line on Tuesday. The PDO usually holds its reorganization meeting on the Monday after the primary. However, the election will not be finalized or certified until Tuesday.

The Middlesex County Democratic Organization recognized the possibility of confusion and has already announced that it will extend its reorg meeting time frame until
June 13. All candidates were required to provide an email address on petition forms for office for the first time this year.

“Like Stacey Abrams and other leading Democrats around the country, we are deeply concerned about voting rights,” said Walsh. “We want to make sure every vote counts. It’s one of the many things that separate us from Trump and right-wing voter suppression.”

———- Forwarded message ———
From: mindy walsh, CJPD

Date: Fri, Jun 7, 2019 at 1:27 PM

Dear Mr Light,

I am writing to inquire about the scheduling of the PDO reorganization meeting. Kamuela Tillman and Staci Berger, MCDO Committee-members elected on 6/4/19 to represent Piscatway Ward 3, District 2 but neither of them have heard from the PDO regarding this important meeting.

As you are aware, at least one district (3-10) will be decided by provisional mail ballots which will be counted by the Board of Elections on Tuesday, June 11. We expect that the Piscataway Democratic Organization will wait for the results of this election prior to holding its reorganization meeting until every vote is counted. Swearing in representatives for 3-10 prior to all votes being counted constitutes voter suppression.  This is the exact kind of activity that Democrats who purport to be fighting Donals Trump should oppose.

Kindly confirm that you will hold the PDO meeting after every vote is counted and provide Kamuela and Staci, copied here, and any other committee members with the same information about the details of the meeting.

Many thanks,
Mindy Goldstein Walsh

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