Chairman Benson Announces Joint Transportation Hearing on Aug 16 with Senate to Discuss NJ Transit Delays and Closings

Chairman Benson Announces Joint Transportation Hearing on Aug 16 with Senate to Discuss NJ Transit Delays and Closings
(TRENTON) – The Assembly Transportation and Independent Authorities Committee Chairman Daniel Benson announced a joint hearing will be held next Thursday with the Senate Transportation Committee to receive testimony and discuss the recent closures, cancellations, and delays afflicting NJ Transit riders.
“Many residents will be affected by recently announced Atlantic City station closures and riders have already been impacted by the inconvenient delays and cancellations currently happening throughout the system. On Thursday, we will hear from stakeholders and discuss what is being done to safely resolve commuters and the traveling public's concerns,” said Benson (D-Mercer, Middlesex).
“The timing and announcement of recent suspensions cancellations or lack of capacity on many trains has many residents rightfully angry and concerned about future service levels. These complaints require a broader discussion of planned disruptions and how communication to transit riders can be improved when there is a cancellation or delay.”
"After years of neglect and lack of investment in staff, equipment and infrastructure, fixing NJ Transit won't happen overnight. However, the path forward has to be clear so that residents can know what to expect and what service level they can count on to get to their destination. "
The joint hearing will be held on Thursday, August 16th in the State House Annex in Trenton. The hearing will begin at 10:30 in Committee Room 4.