Chairman Chip Robinson: Today’s Dover Ruling was a Victory for Voting Rights


Chairman Chip Robinson: Today’s Dover Ruling was a Victory for Voting Rights


DOVER - After four grueling days of trial, during which more than 30 Dover voters were subpoenaed to testify, Superior Court Judge Stuart Mankowitz ruled that Carlos Valencia’s victory in the Democratic primary for 4th Ward Alderman stands.

This July, Alderman Ronald Camacho filed a motion alleging that more than 26 votes in the Dover 4th Ward primary were cast illegally in favor of Dover First Democratic candidate Carlos Valencia. Camacho and his attorneys requested that the judge overturn all of these votes.

Today, Judge Minkowitz allowed all but 1 of these votes to remain valid and solidified Valencia’s victory.

“Today’s ruling was a victory for all proponents of voting rights,” stated Morris County Democratic Chairman Chip Robinson. “I am proud to have supported a team of Dedicated Democrats in Dover First who will continue working to protect the rights of Dover voters.”

“For some first-time voters who were forced to miss days of work, losing necessary wages and risking termination, this trial might cause them to think twice before voting again,” stated Dover Democratic Chairman Edward Correa, “But these voters should have no fear going forward. Their voices matter, and the Dover Democrats will continue fighting to ensure that every voter’s voice is heard.”

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