Chairman Jose Arango and the Hudson County Republican Party Welcomes Joshua Sotomayor Einstein as Vice Chair for Communications

Chairman Jose Arango and the Hudson County Republican Party Welcomes Joshua Sotomayor Einstein as Vice Chair for Communications
Hudson County, NJ - Chairman Jose Arango and The Hudson County Republican Party announced today the appointment of long time Hoboken grassroots liberty advocate and former NJ GOP State Committeeman Joshua Sotomayor Einstein as Hudson County Republican Party Vice Chairman for Communications. Hudson County Republican Party Chairman Jose Arango stated, “myself and Einstein see eye to eye that the Republican Party has a major opportunity to build on the recent Trump wave.” Chairman Arango continued, “we have an opportunity to, as President Trump has, expand the party with the working class, Hispanics, the Black community, Jews, and more, and effective communication is an important tool Einstein helps bring to our table.”
Einstein stated, “I am honored, by Chairman Arango’s and the Hudson County Republican Party’s invitation to return to a party position.” He continued, “I know Chairman Arango wants to bring the Trump revolution to the next level in our county. The massive increase in votes President Trump received in Hudson and NJ show that by working together we can flip our state from nonsense to the commonsense agenda of lower taxes, lower crime, and prosperity and freedom for the average Joe.”
Einstein, through his op-eds, TV, and media experience (particularly with The Pulse with Peter B.) has broadcast a commonsense smaller government message and has interviewed GOP and other governmental leaders.