Chatham Township Councilman and Municipal Chairman Tayfun Selen Endorses Antony Ghee for Congress

Chatham Township Councilman and Municipal Chairman Tayfun Selen Endorses Antony Ghee for Congress

Tayfun Selen:

“I immigrated to America with the idea that one day my family and I would have a better life here than in Turkey. I read that in order to live the “American Dream” all you had to do was work hard, follow the rules and you would be successful. I did just that, and today I am able to provide my family a better life, run a successful small business, and see our daughter go off to college. I am living the American Dream I came here for.

This year’s election is about making sure that my daughter, her generation, and those to come have the same opportunities for success that I and those before me had. We can’t rest on our past successes and simply hope to coast to victory. Now is the time to send the message that it is no longer business as usual in the Republican Party.

That is why I am proud to endorse Antony Ghee for Congress. Antony has built a life for himself and his family based on values we all share and relate to. He has fought through adversity because he believed that from that same adversity comes strength. Tony has what it takes to be our next congressman because his life experiences have taught him what America is about. I have complete confidence in Tony to be our congressman because he knows what it means to live the American Dream. I look forward to voting for Antony for Congress on June 5th and again on November 6th and I encourage my fellow Republicans to join with me in doing so.”

Antony Ghee:

“Growing up I always believed that there was only one country in the world where it didn’t matter where you came from to determine where you would end up. That is why I made sure that no one was going to out work me to get to my goals. Little did I know that Tayfun had the same idea. Tayfun’s story is what makes America the greatest country on Earth. Our lives are the embodiment of American values.

I set out to run for congress not because politics is in my blood or my calling, but because our country has given me so many opportunities and public service is my way of giving back. Whether it be serving as an Army Reservist, coach to my kids’ sports teams, or helping underprivileged children; through service is how I have chosen to give back to our community and our country.  For me, this is about people, not politics.

I am humbled and proud to have Tayfun’s endorsement. Not because of his position within the party, but because he is entrusting me to help the next generation live the American Dream as he and I have. Our country is based on the idea of self-determination, and this election will be about who has the best vision for government’s role in the lives of the residents of this district. I am truly grateful to Tayfun for his support and confidence in me to deliver the message of the American Dream that he and I both share.”

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