Chiaravalloti, Spearman & Mosquera Statement on New Law to Include Anti-Hunger Programs on NJOneApp

Chiaravalloti, Spearman & Mosquera Statement on New Law to Include Anti-Hunger Programs on NJOneApp


(TRENTON) – Continuing efforts to combat hunger in New Jersey, Assembly Democrats Nicholas Chiaravalloti (D-Hudson), William Spearman (D-Camden/Gloucester) and Gabriela Mosquera (D-Camden/Gloucester) released the following joint statement on their measure (formerly AJR-175) signed into law Thursday to urge the Chief Innovation Officer of the Office of Information Technology to enhance the NJOneApp to include all state anti-hunger programs:


“There are many resources available to New Jersey residents who are food insecure and suffering from severe hunger, such as the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), Temporary Assistance to Need Families (TANF) and General Assistance through Work First New Jersey; but it remains a challenge to connect people to those vital services. That’s why improving the NJOneApp, which already offers a simple, convenient way for residents to see if they qualify for food assistance programs, is a crucial step towards ending hunger in New Jersey.

“Under this new law, the NJOneApp will be redesigned to include all state anti-hunger programs. Users will be able to easily browse all the resources available to them and choose which will work best for their family. No longer will residents be unsure of where to turn, who to ask, or what help exists in New Jersey; the answers would be found at the touch of a button on their cell phone.

“We are pleased the Governor and our colleagues in the Legislature have joined the fight against hunger by supporting this measure and we thank Speaker Coughlin for including it in his sweeping anti-hunger bill package. We look forward to taking the next step in helping families in need.”

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