Ciattarelli To Be Keynote Speaker At NJOEG Event Bringing Labor, Business and Government Together

Former Republican gubernatorial candidate Jack Ciattarelli will be the keynote speaker at a cocktail event hosted by the New Jersey Organization For economic Growth on July 25 that will bring labor, business and political leaders together to discuss New Jersey's economic future.

Billed as The Brotherhood of Business and Labor, the event will be held at the Mansion at Mountain Lakes, 90 Route 46 East, at 7 p.m.

Joseph Caruso chairman of the NJOEG said the gathering is designed to bring together the three pillars of any strong economy private sector labor, business and government.

"For New Jersey to have a vibrant economy it must create an environment where organized labor, business and government can work cooperatively to foster healthy, profitable private-sector companies that offer good-paying jobs and opportunities for gainful employment to all workers – not just today, but long into the future," said Caruso, an executive in a corporate consulting company.

The host committee for the event includes State Republican Party Chairman Doug Steinhardt; State Senators Anthony Bucco and Joseph Pennacchio; Business Manager for the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local 102 Patrick Delle Cava; and NJOEG Labor Liaison Christian Barranco, who is also the founder of the N.J. Rough Riders Society, an organization advances the cause of private-sector labor.

Barranco said the host committee is comprised of people with knowledge of government and business who can form the nucleus for economic change in New Jersey.

"There are a lot of things that can be done almost immediately to begin making New Jersey more affordable and more business friendly. Our goal is to form a coalition that can break through roadblocks and create a movement that will improve business investment in New Jersey and, by doing so, improve the lives of working families," said Barranco. "Anyone in government who says they want to help families has to start by creating a healthy and vibrant business environment that provides good jobs."

For tickets please contact Christian Barranco at or call 973-897-1873.

Note: Jack Ciattarelli is a former NJ Assemblyman who represented the 16th Legislative District from 2011-2018. In 2017 he ran for the Republican nomination for governor. He is a business owner who has built and run successful private-sector companies in New Jersey. He is the co-founder and owner of Galen Publishing, L.L.C., a medical publishing company and a former certified public accountant.

The NJOEG was started in December 2017 as an advocate for economic policies that create jobs and spur investment, as well as a support candidates for elected office who back pro-growth, low tax policies.

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