Ciattarelli Lies to New Jersey Parents, Claims “Children Are Not Vulnerable to This Virus”

Ciattarelli Lies to New Jersey Parents, Claims “Children Are Not Vulnerable to This Virus”
Extremist GOP Candidate Uses Trump-like Lie to Justify Opposition to Mask Mandates in Schools
TRENTON, NJ -- Republican gubernatorial candidate Assemblyman Jack Ciattarelli is blatantly lying about the threat COVID-19 poses to children and their education — and by doing so is proving once again that he is absolutely unfit to be Governor. Assemblyman Ciattarelli claimed in an interview that “children are not vulnerable to this virus,” despite the fact that pediatric hospitalizations due to COVID-19 are at an all-time high and thousands of students in anti-mask states are in quarantine, including 20,000 in Mississippi alone. Even more disturbing, Assemblyman Ciattarelli continues to politicize masks in schools when medical experts say that they will keep children safe upon returning to the classroom, help keep schools open, and continue our recovery.
While children may face a lower risk from the virus than adults, they are clearly not immune to COVID-19. According to the renowned Mayo Clinic, “Children of all ages can become ill with coronavirus disease. Some children become severely ill with COVID-19.” But apparently Jack Ciattarelli thinks he knows better.
“Jack Ciattarelli isn’t a doctor — he’s a career politician and a COVID-denier, anti-vaxxer, anti-masker conspiracy theorist who cares much more about catering to his extreme base than he does about public health,” said NJDSC Executive Director Saily Avelenda. “New Jersey needs a leader that we can trust and who tells the truth — that’s Governor Murphy. Jack Ciattarelli has proven with this remarkably dangerous comment that he’s unfit to be governor.”
Assemblyman Ciattarelli joins other extreme Republicans across the country who have been caught lying about the dangers children face from COVID-19. They include Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, Tennessee Governor Bill Lee, Arizona Governor Doug Ducey and many others.