Ciattarelli: Murphy’s Budget Is an Insult

Ciattarelli: Murphy’s Budget Is an Insult
Fiscal & Economic Failures Require New Leadership
For Immediate Release
Contact: Eric Arpert
Somerville, February 23, 2021 – MBA/CPA, small business man, and presumptive Republican nominee for Governor, Jack Ciattarelli today issued the following statement in response to Governor Murphy’s annual Budget Address:
“The Governor says he wants to ‘get our economy moving forward.’ One out of three new Jersey businesses have closed forever. Our schools aren’t open, preventing parents from getting back to work. You can’t get vaccinated, unless you’re an inmate or a smoker. Unemployment benefits are painfully delayed for months.
And yet, Governor Murphy casts himself as the state’s savior today.
It’s an insult.
An insult to working families fighting to keep their business afloat. An insult to the parents watching their children suffer through another lost school year. An insult to the millions of New Jerseyans struggling to pay their bills and hold onto their jobs. Governor Murphy isn’t going to save New Jersey. What will save New Jersey is a new Governor come January 2022.”
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