Cilento Rios Sigmon: Dear Dunellen; Vote for People, Not Parties This Local Election

Dear Dunellen; Vote for People, Not Parties This Local Election
With November 5th nearing, both Democrats and Republicans are challenging one another to be elected to the Dunellen Borough Council. Both stating their cases for why they should be elected to represent you.
But, do party lines matter in a local election? The issues facing Dunellen are not partisan issues, but rather local community issues—economic development, infrastructure, flooding and public safety. It’s important to get to know the candidates who will help steer those decisions.
Trina G. Rios and Daniel Cole Sigmon are not professional politicians and don’t encompass party norms. Rather, they are parents, neighbors, and community members who want to make their town better.
To do so, they did their homework. They began attending council meetings regularly over the past two years and got up to speed on current 2019/2020 initiatives, such as upcoming infrastructure projects designed to bring residents out of the FEMA flood zone; redevelopment; instituting a Downtown Improvement District (DID) and a Main Street Program; and town website relaunch with comprehensive social media policy to improve communication between the local government, residents, and business owners.
They understand where the lines of responsibility and power are drawn between Dunellen’s Board of Education and Borough Council, and are committed to strengthening communication between the two in order to keep the town bound to a common goal: setting Dunellen—and its residents/students—up for success, both today and tomorrow.
Rios and Sigmon didn’t run on a whim. They ran after establishing their commitment to Dunellen. They’ve entrenched themselves in the community and have shared their time and talents. They’ve taken on leadership roles, volunteered for committees, and attended council meetings. In other words, they’ve come prepared to work.
This election, vote beyond generic party messaging. Don’t think of Rios and Sigmon as Republican candidates, think of them as Dunellen’s candidates. Get to know them; they’ve been working hard to get to know you as they’ve campaigned and knocked on doors the past several months. Please consider voting for Trina G. Rios and Daniel Cole Sigmon on Line A for Dunellen Borough Council!
We hope to see you at the polls!
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