City of Trenton Announces Code Blue Alert

City of Trenton Announces Code Blue Alert

Trenton, N.J. – The City of Trenton has declared a Code Blue alert from Monday, December 2, 2024, through Friday, December 6, 2024. A Code Blue extreme cold alert may be declared when temperatures drop below freezing and weather conditions pose a threat to the homeless population.

Currently, the National Weather Service is predicting that the temperature will drop below 30 degrees from Monday through Friday night. As a result, the City of Trenton will be providing a warming shelter at the Sam Naples Senior Center, located at 611 Chestnut Avenue, beginning on Monday, December 2, 2024, through Friday, December 6, 2024, from 4:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.

The City of Trenton will provide transportation and light refreshments. Please call 609-989-3462, if you are on need of transportation to the center.

Mayor W. Reed Gusciora stated, "During this critical time, I'm urging all Trentonians to look out for one another. Please share this important information with everyone to help ensure the safety and well-being of our residents."

Contact the Trenton Police Department at 609-989-4000 to report individuals experiencing unsheltered homelessness during severe weather conditions.

Additionally, the Rescue Mission of Trenton is a designated Code Blue shelter for Mercer County. Under normal conditions, the shelter is open from 4 p.m. until 8 a.m. daily, but when Code Blue Alerts are issued, the Rescue Mission of Trenton is open 24 hours. The shelter is located at 89 Ewing Street, Trenton, NJ 08609.  Call 609-695-1436 for additional information.

Families who are in need of shelter during a Code Blue can call NJ 2-1-1, which can be reached by dialing 211, by texting your ZIP code to 898-211.

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