City of Trenton Holding Informational Meeting for General Contractors Interested in Participating in City’s Home Improvement Program

City of Trenton Holding Informational Meeting for General Contractors Interested in Participating in City’s Home Improvement Program

Trenton N.J. – As part of the City of Trenton’s Home Improvement Program, that provides funding to owners of owner-occupied residential units to make needed repairs to the their homes, and the Trenton Lead Partnership, a program established to assist homeowners with making their homes Lead-safe for their families via abatements or interim measures,  the City is  sponsoring an Informational Meeting for General Home Improvement and Lead Abatement Contractors. Representatives from the City of Trenton Department of Housing and Economic Development and partner agencies will provide contractors with the information needed to be accepted as a qualified contractor and be placed on the Home Improvement Program’s / Lead Abatement bidding lists.

The City of Trenton Home Improvement Program was established to provide funding to repair or replace any failing or deteriorating major systems in owner-occupied residential units within the City. As part of an overall Community Development effort, the Loan Program seeks to:


  • Improve living conditions for eligible city residents;
  • Preserve Trenton’s housing stock;
  • Stabilize older neighborhoods.


The event will be held Wednesday, August 21, 2019 starting at 10:30 am in City Council Chambers (2nd floor of City Hall) located at 319 E. State Street in Trenton.  Representatives from the Department of Housing and Economic Development, the New Jersey Economic Development Authority (EDA), and Isles, Inc. will be available in the Atrium of City Hall after the general presentation, from 11:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.  to answer questions from General Contractors.

Benjamin Delisle, the Director of the Department of Housing and Economic Development stated “The City has a waiting list of homeowners ready to have repairs completed on their homes. We’re now ready to open the bid list to qualified General Home Improvement Contractors.  This important program that aims to improve the quality of life for our existing homeowners.”

Speakers for the Informational Meeting include:

  • Andres Lomi, Senior Cost Estimator with The City of Trenton Department of Housing and Economic Development.  Mr. Lomi will provide general information to the contractors on the application and licensing process.
  • Tanya Bellamy and Michael Hrubros, representatives from Triad Associates will speak on the bidding and contracting process.
  • Kathy Durand, Senior Business Development Officer with the NJ Economic Development Authority will be available to provide information to contractors on financing.
  • Peter Rose, the Managing Director with Isles, Inc., a community development and environmental organization based in Trenton, will be available to provide contractors with information on lead abatement qualifications, training, and compliance with lead-based paint regulations.
  • John Harmon, President & CEO from the African American Chamber of Commerce will speak about the Small Business Bonding Readiness Assistance Program.
  • Raul Mercado, Statewide Director from the New Jersey Institute for Technology Procurement Technical Assistance Center (NJIT PTAC) will be speaking about Procurement Technical Assistance
  • Ana Villagran from the New Jersey Department of the Treasury Division of Revenue and Enterprise Services will discuss the MBE/WBE Certification Process.
  • Tiffany Raudales Program Coordinator SBDC at TCNJ will speak on starting your own business.

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