Civil Service Launches Statewide Diversity Council

Trenton- On Thursday, September 26, 2019, the New Jersey Civil Service Commission (CSC) held its inaugural Diversity Council meeting. The primary purpose of the Council is to serve as a statewide forum to provide diversity training, develop programs, provide resource information, and to make recommendations on issues related to diversity and inclusion related to the State of New Jersey civil service workforce.
“CSC has established a statewide Diversity Council to create a stronger New Jersey civil service workforce that reflects the diversity of our state,” said Deirdré Webster Cobb, Esq., Chair and CEO. “The Diversity Council serves as a statewide workforce advising and coordinating group working collaboratively with the CSC to support strategic efforts to achieve increased diversity across state government.”
“At the first meeting, Council members offered enthusiastic support for the diversity work ahead,” said Charlie Williams, Executive Director of EEO and Diversity Programs. “The culminating work of the Council will be highlighted during the Civil Service Commission’s 2nd Annual Diversity Summit scheduled to be held April 17, 2020.”
"It is the vision that all state agencies and departments have a representative on the Council who will serve as the diversity liaison and communication with their respective entities and the Council to increase collaboration and consistency related to workforce diversity strategies across state government,” said Denise M. Sharperson, Esq., Diversity Council Chair and Statewide Workforce Diversity and Inclusion Manager. “We look forward to continuing to make New Jersey Government the employer of choice for all."
The Diversity Council consists of representatives from the various state departments and agencies and meets on a quarterly basis.
For more information regarding the CSC Diversity Council, please email