Clean Water Action Endorses Phil Murphy for Governor
For Immediate Release: Wednesday, May 3, 2017
Trenton, NJ -- Clean Water Action, New Jersey's largest environmental group, announced today its endorsement of Phil Murphy in the 2017 NJ Democratic primary for governor.
"New Jersey has been down in the environmental and economic dumps for eight long years. Enough is enough," said Janet Tauro, Clean Water Action's NJ Board Chair. "New Jersey needs a Governor who will lead with a clean energy agenda that will protect public health and clean water and provide a huge boost to the state's sluggish economy. New Jersey needs a Governor who will stand up to President Trump and his ruinous environmental policies. Phil Murphy will be that Governor."
In explaining the endorsement, the group noted that New Jersey’s environment, communities, and role as a national leader have been tarnished by the Christie administration while the Trump administration poses significant challenges to public health, clean water, and healthy communities. Our next governor must understand the challenges we face, set clear goals, and get to work to act on climate, protect clean water, and make New Jersey a national leader again.
* His just released job-creating Climate Change and Clean Energy agenda to get to a 100% clean energy economy by 2050 that will be launched during his first 100 days and make New Jersey a national leader on:
- offshore wind – 3,500 MW by 2030, enough to power 1.5 million homes and
- clean energy storage -- 600 MW by 2021 and 2000 MW by 2030
"New Jersey really needs strong leadership in our next Governor. Phil Murphy will be that Governor -- a strong candidate with a solid understanding of crucial environmental issues: climate change and energy, healthy water, clean air and environmental justice for all citizens," added Sharon Finlayson, Clean Water Action's NJ Political Committee Chair.
"Our next governor must not only be strong on the issues but also have the political will and management skill to overcome the damage wrought by Christie's past and Trump's present. Phil Murphy will be that Governor. That's why we're proud to endorse him and will mobilize our members, knocking on doors and so much more to win this race and secure a better future for the people of New Jersey especially our children," concluded Amy Goldsmith, Clean Water Action's NJ State Director.
Clean Water Action is a one million-member organization with more than 100,000 New Jersey members. We work to win strong health and environmental protections by bringing issue expertise, solution-oriented thinking and people power to the table. We fight for clean water; environmental justice, and environmentally safe jobs and businesses. Formerly aka/dba the NJ Environmental Federation, the Garden State Chapter of Clean Water Action.
Paid for by Clean Water Action | 198 Brighton Ave, 2nd Fl, Long Branch, NJ 07740 | Phone: 732-963-9714 |