Clean Water Action: Governor Announces Plan to Build a Stronger, Fairer and Greener Economy in NJ
Governor Announces Plan to
Build a Stronger, Fairer and Greener Economy in NJ
Today, Nutley - Governor Murphy announced his vision for creating a "state of innovation" that will grow a stronger, fairer and greener NJ economy. He spoke of NJ's long and brilliant history of inventing things, like the light bulb, as well as the tremendous potential for tapping into the state's wealth of talent to design things essential for the next generation to thrive.
"Clean Water Action applauds the governor for reiterating his commitment to 100% renewable energy by 2050 and steps he has already taken to achieve 3500 MW of offshore wind to power up 1.5 million homes by 2035 as part of his broader economic plan," stated Amy Goldsmith, NJ State Director, Clean Water Action. "He went a step further to recognize that
Since our founding during the campaign to pass the landmark Clean Water Act in 1972, Clean Water Action has worked to win strong health and environmental protections by bringing issue expertise, solution-oriented thinking and people power to the table. Clean Water Action has more than 100,000 members in New Jersey.