Clean Water Action Praises AG Grewal, DEP Commissioner McCabe for Challenging Federal Government’s Efforts to Allow Offshore Drilling in New Jersey

Clean Water Action Praises AG Grewal, DEP Commissioner McCabe for Challenging Federal Government’s Efforts to Allow Offshore Drilling in New Jersey

TRENTON, NJ – In an effort to prevent the federal government from allowing harmful drilling off the New Jersey coast, Attorney General Gurbir S. Grewal and Department of Environmental Protection Commissioner Catherine R. McCabe today joined a multistate lawsuit to reverse federal approval of seismic testing along the eastern seaboard.

Attorney General Grewal and Commissioner McCabe also shared the results of their ongoing lawsuit against the Department of the Interior for its refusal to share information about why New Jersey did not receive the same offshore drilling exemption Florida received, and they demanded more evidence from the Federal Government justifying that disparity.

Clean Water Action praised their efforts and issued the following statement:

"We want windmills, not oil drills, no blasting, no more fossil fuels in New Jersey or anywhere along the East Coast," said Amy Goldsmith, State Director of Clean Water Action. "We are proud that the New Jersey government, Attorney General, and the DEP are standing tall against fossil fuel polluters and wrong-thinking of the federal administration."


Clean Water Action has more than 150,000 members statewide in New Jersey and is the nation's largest grassroots group focused on water, energy and environmental health. Since our founding during the campaign to pass the landmark Clean Water Act in 1972, Clean Water Action has worked to win strong health and environmental protections by bringing issue expertise, solution-oriented thinking and people power to the table. We will protect clean water in the face of attacks from a polluter friendly Administration and Congress.

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