Clean Water Action Report To Highlight Statewide and Local Data
Clean Water Action Report To Highlight Statewide and Local Data
NJ Legislators Coined "Environmental Heroes" To Join in Release
Bi-partisan Effort To Better Counter Trump and Christie
For Immediate Release: Friday, September 22, 2017
Contact: David Pringle, NJ Campaign Director, cell: 732-996-4288,
WHAT: Clean Water Action* will be releasing a significant environmental report including statewide and local data organized by legislative district, individual legislator, and region (Northeast Jersey, Northwest Jersey, Central Jersey, South Jersey and Jersey Shore). Bi-partisan delegation of state legislators will join Clean Water Action to call for stronger efforts to counter Trump and Christie Administration’s environmental records.
WHEN: 12:30 pm (during joint legislative committee lunch break)
Monday, September 25, 2017
WHERE: NJ State House Annex, 137 West State Street, Trenton, NJ
Committee Room 11 (4th floor, directly across from the elevators)
WHO: Clean Water Action representatives
Several “Environmental Heroes”/NJ legislators from both houses & parties (confirmed)
Several “Environmental Heroes”/NJ legislators from both houses & parties (confirmed)
And live streamed through the Clean Water Action's NJ Facebook Page: