Clean Water Action Response to Governor Murphy’s EMP/EO today

The Freeholder fight unites more than it delights.
Galloway, NJ — Clean Water Action NJ State Director Amy Goldsmith released the following response to today’s release of the revised Energy Master Plan (EMP) and signing of related Executive and Administrative Orders by Governor Murphy. 
“It’s great the Governor Murphy just committed to regulating greenhouse gases to combat the climate emergency, because the science dictates we must reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 45% by 2030. No New Jersey governor until today has used this authority, vested in him or her since at least 2005, to regulate greenhouse gases so we are really playing a massive game of catchup.”
“BPU has been working overtime the past 2 years churning out action after action on energy efficiency, offshore wind and solar. Now it’s DEP’s turn to do the same, churning out action after action – regulating greenhouse gases especially short-lived climate pollutants like methane and black carbon, updating land use and water rules, and stopping polluters from trading killer smog-creating ozone or expanding frack gas infrastructure. 
“Governor Murphy is spot on in calling for decarbonizing the state’s economy and protecting public health, private property and the environment. Now we all have to work together to do it and can’t do it fast enough — every day that passes is a lost day!”
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