Clean Water Action: Sandy Recovery and the next Sandy in the Governor’s race

For Immediate Release, contact: Amy Goldsmith, 732-895-2502; David Pringle, 732-996-4288


Sandy Recovery and the next Sandy in the Governor’s race


Atlantic Highlands — Clean Water Action’s NJ State Director Amy Goldsmith made the following statement at a press conference earlier today with Congressman Frank Pallone, Sierra Club and Environment New Jersey concerning Sandy recovery, climate change, energy and environmental issues in the gubernatorial campaign.


“Phil Murphy’s commitment to 100 clean renewable energy economy by 2050 isn’t just about jobs and the environment.


“It’s about justice – climate justice, environmental justice, and economic justice.


“It’s about reducing poverty and health care costs.


“It’s about promoting urban vitality and sustainability in these climate changing times.


“It’s about saving consumers rising utility costs than especially burdens the poor and our seniors.


“It’s a matter of security – energy independence from fossil fuels and power availability when extreme weather events happen next time — and there are going to be more “Sandys” on the Jersey Shore and similar impacts inland like Hurricane Floyd.


“As a Jersey Shore resident and director of a organization that had its office destroyed by Sandy, I will always remember its long lasting impacts and need for action. But we must also remember and take action in cities like Newark where whole neighborhoods were destroyed – washed over by a tsunami of waste water and pollution from nearby chemical plants.


“We need to make sure we are ready for the next storm.


“But more importantly how can we best protect our neighborhoods, our health, our economy, and address issues of justice in the future.


“We need a governor with a vision for reaching a 100% clean renewable energy economy by 2050 so that everyone in this state benefits. So the Garden State can reclaim its place as a leader and be a player on the state, national and international level for reducing our contribution to climate change.


“He is prepared to turn words into action. His opponent isn’t prepared with even words let alone action.


“That is why Phil Murphy has got to be our next governor.”


Since our founding during the campaign to pass the landmark Clean Water Act in 1972, Clean Water Action has worked to win strong health and environmental protections by bringing issue expertise, solution-oriented thinking and people power to the table. We will protect clean water in the face of attacks from a polluter friendly Administration and Congress. More info. @

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