Clean Water Action  Supports Swift Action on NJDEP Climate Proposal Announced Today

Clean Water Action  Supports Swift Action on NJDEP Climate Proposal Announced Today

Trenton, NJ -- Clean Water Action released the following statement in response to NJDEP's proposed Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI) rule announced at noon today.

"It's good news this is finally moving forward, it can't happen fast enough. We're glad DEP's adding environmental justice as a criteria to determine spending priorities. In fact, it should be the top priority and we will be looking for guantees the funds are not raided and focus on achieving mandatory reductions, community controlled/built solutions, and rate relief in environmental justice communities," stated Amy Goldsmith, Clean Water Action's NJ State Director.

"RGGI along with 3500 MW of offshore wind, 330,000 electric vehicles, 10% solar and major advances on energy conservation and efficiency are essential to achieving the Murphy Administration's intention to cut NJ's greenhouse gas emissions by 50% by 2030, do our part to avert the climate crisis, and build a stronger, fairer green economy," concluded Goldsmith.


Clean Water Action has more than 150,000 members statewide in New Jersey and is the nation's largest grassroots group focused on water, energy and environmental health. Since our founding during the campaign to pass the landmark Clean Water Act in 1972, Clean Water Action has worked to win strong health and environmental protections by bringing issue expertise, solution-oriented thinking and people power to the table. We will protect clean water in the face of attacks from a polluter friendly Administration and Congress.

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