Clean Water Action’s Kim Gaddy Joins Historic Environmental Justice Summit at U.S. Capitol
Washington DC: Chairman Grijalva, Rep. McEachin, and the House Committee on Natural Resources have partnered with national environmental justice, climate justice, public health, and faith coalitions to host an all-day convening on environmental justice. The June 26 convening will serve to brief Congressional staff on the history and context of the environmental justice movement, discuss current challenges and policy priorities for EJ practitioners and frontline community-based organizations, and aid in developing concrete positive synergies and areas of collaboration between policymakers and EJ advocates across the country.
Clean Water Action’s Environmental Justice Organizer, Kim Gaddy whom has been advocating for communities impacted by industrial pollution and the goods movement system in Newark, NJ and across the country for 18 years will be a panelist during the following section of the program: 11:05 AM – Panel 2: Environmental Justice Policy Challenges: How we scale up positive change through legislation.
The first convening of its kind, this summit will provide a venue for community activists and environmental justice practitioners to communicate their needs to members of Congress and their staff, who will commit directly to addressing longstanding inequities in economically oppressed and politically marginalized communities. The conversation will produce a set of principles to inform environmental justice legislation to be introduced later this Congress.
Event will be live-streamed:
Since our founding during the campaign to pass the landmark Clean Water Act in 1972, Clean Water Action has worked to win strong health and environmental protections by bringing issue expertise, solution-oriented thinking and people power to the table. We will protect clean water in the face of attacks from a polluter friendly Administration and Congress. Clean Water Action has 150,000 members in NJ and nearly 1 million nationwide. www.cleanwater.