Codey Resolution Urging FCC to Require Phone Service Providers to Implement Technology to Block Robocalls Advances

Codey Resolution Urging FCC to Require Phone Service Providers to Implement Technology to Block Robocalls Advances


TRENTON – A resolution sponsored by Senator Richard J. Codey that would urge the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to require telephone service providers to implement technology to block robocalls to their customers free of charge was passed out of the Senate Economic Growth Committee today.


“Robocalls are annoying, we all know that,” said Senator Codey (D-Essex/Morris). “But they also are dangerous. Senior citizens and immigrants are easy prey to these incessant calls promising either riches or threatening legal action. While many of us can screen out  these calls, many people can’t, including doctors and healthcare providers who have to balance the waste of time listening to these computerized pitches to picking up distress calls from patients in need. Despite laws on the books that should block these calls, robocalls are increasing. This is a growing national problem and the FCC must take action. We are all mad as hell and we’re not going to take it anymore.”


Federal law prohibits telemarketers from making robocalls to landlines based solely on the fact that a customer has already either purchased an item or contacted that business. It also requires written consent for all robocalls or texts made to wireless telephone numbers. But that has not stopped the rapid proliferation of these calls.


In April, the volume of robocalls nationwide had reached an estimated 3.4 billion per month, an increase of almost 900 million a month compared to last year.


The Senate resolution, SR-24, passed out of committee by a vote of 5-0 and advances to the full Senate for further consideration.

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