College Democrats and College Republicans Campaigning Together

The College Democrats and the College Republicans of New Jersey are joining together on a number of tasks concerning youth engagement. Our leadership met in Israel during the AIPAC Bipartisan Mission and have found areas where we can work together moving forward in Jersey. Through this, the youth of New Jersey are showing true bipartisanship.

We are partnering on two campaigns:

  1. That the next governor of New Jersey Establish a “Bipartisan Youth Council”. This council shall represent and advise the governor on the views of the next generation. As the youth continue to leave New Jersey, we view bringing the youth into the decision-making process as vital to solving that problem. Every stage of development, whether it be high-school, college, or after creates issues that should be heard by our governor. Therefore, This council shall consist of Democrats and Republicans from High School, College, and Youth (up to the age of 30).
  2. That the Higher Education Committee establish two nonvoting members for a College Democrat and a College Republican. Many issues facing higher education go unnoticed and we view it to be essential that students, bipartisan in nature, be allowed to speak on the issues facing their education.


As we move forward, we will be launching our campaigns and seeking support from members of the legislature and every gubernatorial candidate. The youth deserves a seat at the table and our organizations believe that those in government should be advised on the ideals of the youth in a bipartisan way.


Sent by the College Democrats of NJ

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