College Democrats of New Jersey Endorse John Currie’s Re-election to Democratic State Party  Chairmanship


College Democrats of New Jersey Endorse John Currie’s Re-election to Democratic State Party  Chairmanship

The College Democrats of New Jersey are proud to endorse Chairman John Currie for a third term as  Democratic State Party Chairman.

Chairman Currie has overseen unprecedented growth in Democratic voter registrations, record-breaking state  party fundraising, and a historic number of Democrats in both our Legislature and congressional delegation.  In contrast to many state parties across the country, Chairman Currie has led the New Jersey Democratic  State Committee in a fair and inclusive manner, respecting and valuing groups like ours and many others.

“Chairman Currie has consistently been an incredible ally and mentor to the College Democrats. This fall,  under Chairman Currie’s leadership, the state party made a historic investment in college students to help  launch our Blue Wave Fellowship Program, which subsidizes transportation costs for unpaid political interns.  Chairman Currie’s dedication to building a better future is evident in his resounding commitment to building  the bench. He has truly created an inclusive state party, giving a voice to students, who are typically ignored.  We are grateful for his leadership and look forward to another equally successful third term,” said ​College  Democrats President Megan Coyne.

“Under the leadership of Chairman Currie, the New Jersey Democratic State Committee has helped to elect  our state’s most progressive Governor, add four new Democrats to our congressional delegation, and elect  Democrats in key districts in state legislature races, as well as local races throughout the state. Additionally,  Chairman Currie has supported Governor Murphy’s progressive agenda since Day 1. I am proud to support  Chairman Currie because he stands for an inclusive, diverse, and progressive Democratic Party and an agenda  that is about moving our state and our party forward,” said ​College Democrats Vice President Michael  Zhadanovsky​.

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