College Democrats of New Jersey and Rutgers University Democrats Condemn Congressman Leonard Lance Over Ford Comment 

College Democrats of New Jersey and Rutgers University Democrats Condemn Congressman Leonard Lance


New Brunswick, NJ - The College Democrats of New Jersey and Rutgers University Democrats strongly condemn the outrageous statement from Congressman Leonard Lance that he “tends not to believe” Dr. Christine Blasey Ford’s allegations against Brett Kavanaugh. Before a hearing, before an investigation, before anything, Congressman Lance decided that Brett Kavanaugh was telling the truth and Dr. Ford was a liar. Lance should apologize for this blatant double standard.


Additionally, where Lance made his shameful remarks is important, too. According to statistics gathered from the Department of Justice and the Association of American Universities Campus Climate Survey on Sexual Assault and Sexual Misconduct, among all students, graduate and undergraduate, 11.2% experience rape or sexual assault. If we only consider women, 8.8% of female graduate students and a staggering 23.1% of female undergraduate students experience sexual violence. And only 20% of female students choose to report their abuse.


The reason survivors do not come forward is not because they are lying. They do not come forward because they are afraid of retribution, and afraid of people finding out. They are afraid of an atmosphere of shame and distrust that clings to our culture, and is omnipresent in our universities. And sadly, that atmosphere is something Leonard Lance chose to contribute to when he told a room of students that he did not believe allegations of sexual assault, for no other reason than he thought the accused was a “brilliant judge.”


Survivors face far too many obstacles to get the support and justice they need, and Lance has shown that his first instinct is to add to those challenges, rather than detract from them. He should be ashamed of this instinct, but chose instead to double down on the idea that survivors are inherently untrustworthy, and that men in power should continue to set the bar higher and higher for survivors to be heard and taken seriously when he “clarified” his remarks.


Lance owes survivors everywhere an apology. And should he continue on his path of doubt and shaming, we ask that voters remember the survivors of sexual assault as they go to the polls in November.

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