State’s largest anti-hunger, anti-poverty organization prepares local nonprofits to cease use of plastic and paper bags


HILLSIDE, NJ—May 4, 2022


Today as New Jersey’s single-use plastic and paper bag ban takes effect, the Community FoodBank of New Jersey (CFBNJ) announced the launch of a new reusable shopping bag donation program to benefit local nonprofits. About 300 CFBNJ partners, including food pantries, soup kitchens, shelters, and other food assistance organizations, have opted into the program, which connects individuals with nonprofits near them where they can drop off their donations of reusable shopping bags. 


CFBNJ is also partnering with several supermarkets and organizations. Stop & Shop will help collect reusable shopping bag donations, while the New Jersey Food Council, the New Jersey Clean Communities Council, Wakefern, and Wegmans will help spread the word about the program.


Though food banks and pantries have been given a six-month extension to comply with the ban, until November 4, these organizations need help for when it’s time to make the transition. They will rely on reusable shopping bags to distribute food efficiently and conveniently to neighbors in need. 


Supported by Speaker Craig Coughlin, the extension was given because food banks and pantries are still in emergency response mode and need extra time to determine how they will follow the new law without disrupting service for hungry New Jerseyans. The economic effects of the pandemic are still ongoing, and Hurricane Ida had long-term impacts on some residents, so demand for food assistance remains elevated.


“We at CFBNJ look forward to expanding our efforts to be environmentally friendly by ceasing the use of disposable bags starting in November,” said Carlos Rodriguez, President & CEO of the Community FoodBank of New Jersey. “Until then, this program will give us and our community partners a head start in operationalizing the discontinuation of single-use bags. We’re thrilled to be able to connect generous individuals with the organizations that need these donations.” 


Individuals looking to donate their reusable shopping bags can visit to locate a participating organization near them. Bags must be clean and either new or gently used. 


By donating reusable shopping bags, individuals can help the environment, keep costs down for CFBNJ and its community partners, and ensure convenient access to nutritious food for neighbors in need. 




The Community FoodBank of New Jersey (CFBNJ), a member of Feeding America®, has been delivering food, help and hope across the state for more than 45 years. Last year, CFBNJ provided nutritious food for over 85 million meals through its network of more than 800 community partners including pantries, soup kitchens, emergency shelters, mobile pantries, and child and senior feeding programs throughout the 15 New Jersey counties it serves. For our hungry neighbors, the Community FoodBank of New Jersey is the powerful agent of change that fills the emptiness caused by hunger and provides resources that are essential to earning a sustainable living.

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