Conaway: Public Must Be Made Aware of the Dangers of Vaping

Conaway: Public Must Be Made Aware of the Dangers of Vaping
(TRENTON) – In response to a growing number of patients experiencing severe medical issues due to e-cigarette use, commonly referred to as vaping, Assemblyman and physician Herb Conaway, M.D. (D-Burlington) released the following statement regarding this serious public health issue:
“As more information becomes available to the medical community regarding the effects of e-cigarettes, doctors such as myself are emphasizing the dangers these devices pose. They are not the safe alternative to traditional smoking that many people have been led to believe, as recent cases of deadly pulmonary issues have tragically shown.
“It is especially dangerous when products are purchased illegitimately or modified with substances that were not intended for the e-cigarette in the first place.
“Although I want to stress that absolutely no one should vape, the CDC has stated that it is particularly important for these products to never be used by young people, pregnant women or any adults who do not already use tobacco products.
“People who currently vape or are considering vaping, need to know exactly what is at stake if they use these products – from memory and mood issues in developing brains to pulmonary diseases in users of all ages.
“That is why I call upon hospitals, educational institutions and any other organizations with a platform to help disseminate critical information regarding both the dangers of vaping and ways to treat affected patients. The public must be made aware of this issue.
“Make no mistake, if we do not take the necessary steps to address this crisis, we will see yet another generation of Americans become addicted to nicotine and face serious consequences as a result. We cannot let these vaping devices impact the rest of our children’s lives.”