Congressional Candidate Goutam U. Jois vows not to take money from fossil fuel industries, signs pledge

Congressional Candidate Goutam U. Jois vows not to take money from fossil fuel industries, signs pledge

(Summit, NJ) - Congressional Candidate Goutam U. Jois signed a national No Fossil Fuel Money Pledge this week, vowing to refuse support from the fossil fuel industry while fighting for greener energy sources if elected to the House.

He blamed current GOP Rep. Leonard Lance, who he is challenging in New Jersey's 7th District, for not standing up to the fossil fuel industry and allowing the EPA to be attacked by current administrator Scott Pruitt and the Trump Administration.

"Representative Lance has claimed to be a moderate on climate change, yet he has voted to weaken regulations that protect our environment," Jois said. "We need representatives will stand up to the dirty fossil fuel industries. We need representatives who believe in science, and echo the call of French President Emmanuel Macron, who said that there's 'no Planet B.'"

Jois has made green energy one of his campaign's key platforms. He vows to bring green energy jobs to the 7th District, and is working to ensure that New Jersey is on the frontlines of fighting climate change. He has been hailed by environmental groups for his work in green energy, and has vowed to co-sponsor the OFF Act, introduced by Rep. Tulsi Gabbard.

"Lawmaking should always be based on facts and the best available science," he said. "Therefore, I have pledged that, if I’m elected, I will co-sponsor the OFF Act, which would move the country toward 100% renewable energy sources by 2035. I also support investments in green energy, so that we can create jobs here in New Jersey."

He has also vowed to fight for legislation to strengthen the Clean Water Act, drawing praise from environmental advocates.

Jois noted that both Republicans and Democrats have been influenced by the fossil fuel industry, which is why a new generation of leaders is needed.

"This isn't about political courage - it's about common sense," he said. "How can we reduce carbon emissions and pollutants in our air, water, and land if our politicians are in the pockets of big polluters?"

By signing the No Fossil Fuel Money pledge, Jois joins a growing list of national, state and local candidates and elected officials disavowing the fossil fuel industry. Jois has earned national praise for running a grassroots campaign for the Democratic nomination in the 7th District. To learn more about what he's doing to fight for a clean tomorrow, visit

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