Congressional Integrity Project Launches Ads in 18 Republican Districts Highlighting MAGA House Republicans’ Bogus Investigations

Congressional Integrity Project Launches Ads in 18 Republican Districts Highlighting MAGA House Republicans’ Bogus Investigations

Digital Ads Demonstrate the Complicity of Reps. Bacon, Chavez-Derner, Ciscomani, D’Esposito, Duarte, Fitzpatrick, Garcia, Kean, Jr., Kiggans, Kim, LaLota, Lawler, Molinao, Santos, Schweikert, Steel, Valadao, and Williams

Washington, D.C. – As Republicans return home this month for their August recess, Congressional Integrity Project is launching a new paid digital ad campaign in eighteen Republican districts across the country. The ad campaign is a kickoff to a larger campaign that calls out the Representatives for allowing the House Leadership’s bogus agenda of political stunts to continue while ignoring the most important issues to the American people, all to defend their disgraced former president and harm President Biden ahead of the 2024 presidential election.

Over the past seven months, these members of Congress have done absolutely nothing to restrain House leadership and their MAGA colleagues from going down a rabbit hole of bogus investigations. They are ignoring the important priorities of the American people, such as lowering costs, expanding healthcare access, addressing student loan debt, and battling climate change. Not coincidentally, all of these investigations and impeachment attempts are happening at the same time as their disgraced former president, Donald Trump, faces multiple indictments.

Congressional Integrity Project executive director Kyle Herrig issued the following statement. 

“MAGA Republicans have made it clear that they are focused on the wrong priorities. They care more about growing their own power than they care about addressing the issues most important to the American people. They have not found a single shred of evidence to link President Biden to any wrongdoing, yet they won’t give up the jig even as Americans and other Republicans are calling their investigations a waste of time and embarrassing failures.  Every Republican who fails to denounce these political stunts is complicit in using taxpayers’ money on behalf of Donald Trump.”

The ads will run and have a significant online presence in the following districts: Don Bacon (NE-2), Lori Chavez-Deremer (OR-5), Juan Ciscomani (AZ-6), Anthony D’Esposito (NY-4), John Duarte (CA-13), Brian Fitzpatrick (PA-1), Mike Garcia (CA-27), Tom Kean, Jr. (NJ-7), Jen Kiggans (VA-2), Young Kim (CA-40), Nick LaLota (NY-1), Mike Lawler (NY-17), Marc Molinaro (NY-19), George Santos (NY-3), David Schweikert (AZ-1), Michelle Steel (CA-45), David Valadao (CA-22), and Brandon Williams (NY-22).


Watch the ads here


V.O.:  MAGA Republicans have hijacked the House of Representatives. 

They’re wasting your taxpayer dollars on partisan stunts instead of tackling the issues that the American people care about. 

But what has Congressman George Santos done to stop them? Absolutely nothing. 

He’s been asleep at the wheel while MAGA Republicans push conspiracy theories, given platforms to anti-semites and racists, and now they’re moving to impeach President Biden without a shred of evidence that he’s done anything wrong.

Call Congressman George Santos. Tell him to stop pushing an extreme agenda.

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