Congressman Albio Sires Endorses Brigid Callahan Harrison for Congress

for Congress
[June 2, 2020 – Longport, New Jersey] Brigid for South Jersey announced today that Congressman Albio Sires has endorsed Brigid Callahan Harrison for Congress in New Jersey’s 2nd congressional district.
Congressman Sires joins Senator Menendez and Senator Booker who have already endorsed Brigid’s candidacy. Senator Booker has also chosen to bracket with Brigid in each of the county ballots during the primary election on Tuesday, July 7th. The following are statements from Congressman Albio Sires and Brigid Callahan Harrison:
Congressman Albio Sires:
“I am endorsing Brigid Callahan Harrison for Congress today because she is the only candidate that can take on and beat Jeff Van Drew in the general election.
“While I understand and respect that it is not necessarily common for a Member of Congress to endorse in an active Democratic primary, let’s face it, these are certainly no ordinary times.
"As each day passes, it seems yet another issue or crisis showcases the dire situation we all face - and in good conscious, I simply will no longer sit on the sidelines. I came to Congress to do what is right and take a stand. We must beat Jeff Van Drew in November - and Brigid is our best hope to do that.
"Brigid has built a movement in the 2nd District focused on uniting the whole Democratic party. Her policy experience and understanding of the issues is beyond compare. She was the first out of the gate to question Van Drew, and she had the guts to do it before it was in the mainstream. And, most of all, she has run a flawless campaign, focused on bringing Democrats together, rather than dividing them. I look forward to the day I can walk down the halls of Congress with Brigid as a colleague - and, along with so many other Democrats, will do all I can to ensure we right the wrongs that Van Drew has created for the 2nd district of New Jersey."
Brigid Harrison, Democratic Candidate for the 2nd Congressional District:
“I am thrilled and thankful that Congressman Sires is joining Senator Menendez, Senator Booker, and over 15 New Jersey labor unions in supporting my candidacy. From the beginning of this campaign, our focus has been on two priorities - uniting the Democratic Party and beating Jeff Van Drew. I recognize the significant step Congressman Sires is taking today in endorsing during our primary. I deeply appreciate the trust he has in our campaign, his decision to step up and engage, and will continue to work as hard as I can until we have beaten Jeff Van Drew and Donald Trump."