Congressman Andy Kim Attends Newark Mayor Ras Baraka’s ‘State Of The City’ Address

Congressman Andy Kim Attends Newark Mayor
Ras Baraka’s ‘State Of The City’ Address
Newark, NJ - Tonight, Congressman Kim joined Newark Mayor Ras Baraka and other invited guests to hear Newark’s ‘State Of The City’ (S.O.T.C.) address.
“It was inspiring to hear how Newark has been a national model for making housing more affordable, and education and work more accessible,” said Congressman Andy Kim. “I’ve been proud to partner with municipalities across our state during my time in Congress, and look forward to working with Mayor Baraka and others across New Jersey to make sure we’re delivering the resources they need to make their cities and towns better places to live and raise a family.”
First elected to Congress in 2018 at the age of 36, three-term Congressman Andy Kim is one of the younger members to serve in Congress and is the first Asian American elected to federal office from New Jersey. If elected to the Senate, Andy would be the 4th youngest Senator, and the first Asian American elected to the Senate from the entire east coast of America. In 2018 and 2020, Andy defeated two self-funding millionaires in a district carried by former President Trump, and in 2022 Kim defeated his third self-funding millionaire opponent by 12 points.
As a son of immigrants, a graduate from New Jersey public schools, and a young dad, Andy represents a new generation of leadership in the Democratic Party and is committed to making sure all voices are heard when making decisions. He, and his wife Kammy, are raising two troublemaking boys down the road from where he grew up.