Congressman Donald Norcross Launches 2018 Campaign

Congressman Donald Norcross
Launches 2018 Campaign
Pledges to Continue Standing Up for South Jersey Values & Represent All Working Families
COLLINGSWOOD, NJ – U.S. Congressman Donald Norcross (NJ-01) launched his 2018 campaign for Congress with a continued pledge to stand up for South Jersey values and represent all working families in Washington. He made the announcement today with members of the community and his family by his side at Collingswood Community Center.
“I'm more determined than ever to stand up to Trump and his Republican cronies and stop their assault on New Jersey's working families,” said Norcross. “I vow to keep working hard for good jobs and higher wages, quality affordable health care and education, safe neighborhoods and a secure nation, and I will always fight to protect our civil liberties and defend our core American values. I am so thankful for the support I've received throughout our community and I hope to earn the opportunity to continue proudly serving South Jersey in Congress.”
"I'm honored and excited to stand with my dad as he campaigns for South Jersey's families. As a young working woman, I am proud to know that my dad is standing up for the rights of all women and fighting for justice and equality for all Americans," said Corey Norcross. “My dad taught me the value of hard work and treating everyone with dignity and respect throughout my life, and I know he'll always keep those values with him as he fights for our entire community in Congress.”
“Whether the issue is equal pay, workplace safety, higher wages, healthcare, retirement security or essential community services, Congressman Norcross brings focus and purpose to advance an agenda that uplifts all working families, in particular women in the workforce,” said Laurel Brennan, Secretary-Treasurer, NJ AFL-CIO.
"Congressman Norcross has been an advocate for women’s rights and at the forefront of civil rights,” said Loretta Winters, Sewell, NJ. “As a voter, a mother, and a tax payer, I support the Congressman in his fight for a better New Jersey for all citizens."
“I support Donald Norcross for Congress because he is always focused on doing what is best for South Jersey,” said Lauren Atkin, Cherry Hill, NJ. “From attending events in the community to working on bills in DC, he is constantly going above and beyond to ensure his constituents have what they need. As a high school student, it is very important for me to vote for someone working to end gun violence. I know Donald Norcross will fight for gun reform and thus my safety. When I vote for the first time this November, I know my vote for Donald Norcross will be the right choice since his main concern is always the well-being of his constituents.”
“I support Donald Norcross because he has shown time and time again that he really cares for the people of his district and, specifically, the working class, who are often ignored in our society,” said Bianca Abbate, Sicklerville, NJ. “Donald Norcross has also continually stood for women’s rights. I remember being so excited that he marched alongside thousands of women at the Trenton Women’s March because it showed that he truly values equality.”
“As a Muslim American, I support Donald Norcross because he has sponsored legislation like the Workplace Democracy Act, End Citizens United, and the Delaware River Basin Conservation Act of 2015 that serve the diverse population of District 1,” said Muqadda Ejaz, Cherry Hill, NJ.
"Congressman Norcross consistently supports women's healthcare options, common sense gun laws, a healthy environment and fully funded public schools,” Elizabeth Volz, Glassboro, NJ. “I support Congressman Norcross because he continually supports the women and families in his district.”
"Donald Norcross does his best to reach out to young professionals to ensure that their concerns are being heard,” said Karanveer Pannu, Voorhees, NJ. “It is extremely important that elected officials engage with their constituents, and Congressman Norcross is an excellent example. For these reasons I believe we should re-elect Donald Norcross "
“It is rare that a person who is in a position of power truly seeks out the concerns of their constituents and listens to them,” Samuel Tuero, Camden, NJ. “Donald Norcross has my support because he is dedicated to reaching out and addressing the issues of the community he has represented and seeks to stand with again.”
“Donald Norcross continues to bring diverse groups together to discuss topics of importance, for groups most commonly marginalized,” said Brittanie Thomas, Glassboro, NJ. “As an educational doctoral student, millennial entrepreneur, and civil rights and social justice advocate, I proudly stand beside Congressman Norcross, because he stands by me.”
Born and raised in South Jersey, Donald Norcross started his career as an apprentice electrician and, ultimately, became a leading voice fighting for the rights of working men and women. He is fighting to raise wages, create and expand affordable educational opportunities, and make our nation and neighborhoods safer. He will continue to demand the best for New Jersey’s families and stand up to Trump’s billionaires-only agenda.