Congressman Kim Leads Effort to Strengthen Infrastructure, Protect Environment

Congressman Kim Leads Effort to Strengthen Infrastructure,
Protect Environment


WASHINGTON, DC – Today, Congressman Andy Kim (NJ-03) passed an amendment to H.R. 9, the Climate Action Now Act, that requires the Administration to take infrastructure resilience into account on plans to address climate change as part of the United States’ commitment to the Paris Climate Agreement.


“Climate change isn’t just measured by rising tides and rising temperatures, it’s measured by the investment needed in infrastructure to keep our communities resilient in the face of this real threat,” said Congressman Kim. “We know that infrastructure improvements don’t only need to come in the form of potholes fixed and bridges rebuilt. They’re needed to lessen the impact of rising storm surges from the next big storm and make sure communities like ours can remain a place for people to raise a family, create jobs and achieve the American Dream.”


The Climate Action Now Act, containing Congressman Kim’s language, passed the House in a vote earlier today. The bill ensures that actions are taken to mitigate the rising threat of climate change on our communities and prevents actions that take our country back in this effort.


“We haven’t just seen rising sea waters due to climate change, we’ve seen rising costs to keep our basic infrastructure resilient,” said South Toms River Mayor Gregory Handshy. “We need to invest in that infrastructure to protect our community and communities like ours. This amendment by Congressman Kim is an important step in making sure our priorities and those investments are felt right here at home.”


The impact of climate change has been felt directly in New Jersey through the increase in super storms and regularly rising sea waters. Superstorm Sandy, which made landfall in New Jersey in 2012, cost the state $36.8 billion, including $29.4 billion in repair and restoration. Toms River received the most damage for a single locality, facing $2.25 billion in property damage.


“Barnegat Bay is a critical part of our community that is threatened by the impact of climate change,” said Britta Wenzel, Executive Director of Save Barnegat Bay. “We need a comprehensive approach that tackles this threat and the infrastructure needed to keep the Bay resilient. Congressman Kim’s effort is an important step in not only addressing this major issue, but ensuring our Bay will be a resource for future generations.”


Congressman Kim’s full remarks introducing his amendment on the House Floor can be found by clicking here.




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