Congressman Kim Statement on Funding to Address Humanitarian Crisis on Southern Border

Congressman Kim Statement on Funding to
Address Humanitarian Crisis on Southern Border

WASHINGTON, DCCongressman Andy Kim (NJ-03) released the following statement on the passage of H.R. 3401, which provides emergency funding for humanitarian assistance and security on the U.S. – Mexico border.

“The conditions we’ve seen at the border are unacceptable and action was needed now before funding ran out and the situation became unthinkable. It should be a priority of this Congress to make sure that no child is subjected to inhumane conditions for one day longer. This bipartisan compromise will provide immediate relief to those in need, but it won’t fix the broken immigration system that has led us down this path.

We can have an immigration system that reflects our values and secures our border. We can have an immigration system that provides opportunity and security. I hope we can put partisanship aside and work together for real, common-sense solutions so we’re not simply addressing the same emergency situation again once this funding runs out.”




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