Congressman Kim’s Office Helps Bring 14 New Jerseyans Home During Coronavirus Travel Crisis

Congressman Kim’s Office Helps Bring 14 New Jerseyans Home During Coronavirus Travel Crisis

WASHINGTON, DC – Today, Congressman Andy Kim (NJ-03) announced that his office had helped repatriate 14 residents of Burlington and Ocean Counties who had been stuck abroad due to travel restrictions during the Coronavirus pandemic


“I’m proud of the work my team has done to help bring our neighbors stuck abroad home,” said Congressman Kim. “These are uncertain times, and New Jerseyans abroad should be able to come back home to be safe with their families. This is an ongoing effort, and we’re continuing to work with a number of people across the world to bring them back to our state. I would encourage anyone from Burlington and Ocean Counties stuck abroad at this moment to contact my office, and we will do whatever we can to help.”


To this date, the Congressman’s office participated in the repatriation of numerous constituents who have been stuck in Spain, Italy, Honduras, Peru, Morocco, Bosnia, and on cruise ships.  The Congressman’s team has worked closely with each constituent and sent them vital country-specific information from the State Department as it becomes available – sometimes on a daily basis.


As of April 1, 2020, the State Department reported that 31,230 Americans have been repatriated from 72 countries. Residents of Burlington and Ocean Counties who are currently stuck abroad should contact Congressman Kim’s office and follow the guidance below during this time.

    • Contact or call the 24-hour assistance center from the U.S. & Canada: 1-888-407-4747 or from Overseas: 1-202-501-4444;
    • US travelers abroad are strongly encouraged to enroll in the State Department’s Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP) for emergency alerts at; and
    • Find up-to-date travel health notices at


Information about Congressman Kim’s actions to contain the Coronavirus pandemic and address the ongoing economic impact can be found on his website by clicking here.


Congressman Kim is a member of the House Armed Services Committee and the House Committee on Small Business. More information about Congressman Kim can be found on his website by clicking here.



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