Congressman MacArthur Votes to Support New Jersey Farmers

Congressman MacArthur Votes to Support New Jersey Farmers


WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congressman Tom MacArthur voted today to support thousands of farmers in New Jersey. The Third District is home to 860 farms producing a wide variety of products and producing over $100 million worth of crops. The Farm Bill reauthorizes vital agricultural programs like:


  • Crop insurance to protect New Jersey farmers from unexpected disasters
  • Support for specialty crops like cranberries and blueberries
  • Conservation programs
  • Essential agricultural research that benefits the work being done at Rutgers
  • Trade promotion to continue growing the $140 billion in annual agricultural exports America sends worldwide
  • Rural development programs, including measures to combat the opioid epidemic that were pushed by Rep. MacArthur’s Bipartisan Heroin Task Force
  • Support for farmers who are US Military veterans, young, disadvantaged, or just starting out in farming


“The Farm Bill provides much needed help to our local farms here in South Jersey, most specifically by including specialty crop grants that will directly benefit local blueberry and cranberry farmers. I was also pleased to support grants to fund research that would have helped Rutgers University and other agriculture programs around the country,” Congressman MacArthur said.


“Thousands of farmers here in New Jersey, and all across the country, will benefit from crop insurance programs in this bill that help protect their farms,” MacArthur continued. “The conservation programs outlined in this bill are a benefit to all of us.”


Congressman MacArthur also had an amendment to the legislation pass, protecting children from changes to SNAP work requirements.


“Children cannot go to school and learn on an empty stomach – and they should not have to come home and worry about where their next meal is going to come from,” Congressman MacArthur said. “My amendment is crystal clear: as we implement these changes kids are off limits.”


The New Jersey and Burlington County farming community expressed their strong support of MacArthur and the Farm Bill:


“American households have the safest , least expensive and most abundant food supply of any nation in the world . This is in large part due to hard-working farm families but also strategic support from the federal government through the years . We thank Rep. Tom MacArthur for his farm bill vote, which will continue the risk management, conservation, research and promotion programs that help our local New Jersey farmers.”

- Ryck Suydam, president of New Jersey Farm Bureau


“The NJ Agricultural Society supports the farm bill and recognizes the importance this legislation provides to New Jersey farmers.  We applaud Congressman MacArthur's support of this bill and appreciate the concern and commitment he has for our hard-working farm families.”

-Rob Swanekamp, President, NJ Agricultural Society


“The Farm Bill supports programs and research that help farmers grow and market crops more efficiently, of higher quality, and in more environmentally friendly ways. Passage of the Farm Bill is very important to NJ farmers, as well as so many other residents of our state, and we appreciate Congressman MacArthur’s support for the bill.”

-Bill Cutts, Burlington County Cranberry Grower


“Congressman MacArthur’s support of the farm bill is essential to the direct stabilization of New Jersey’s farming industry.  Tom understands the mission of Rutgers Agriculture Research Stations and the Specialty Crop Block Grant funding which are essential to New Jersey’s Cranberry, Blueberry and Grape industries.  As the multi-generational family farms in New Jersey continue to experience unforeseen challenges, Congressman MacArthur’s support for the farm bill is a clear example of his strong support of our industries, for which we are very grateful.”

-Stephen V. Lee, IV

Sixth-Generation Cranberry Grower

Lee Brothers Inc.

Past-President Burlington County Board of Agriculture and The American Cranberry Growers Association.


“I am an active lifelong Burlington County Farmer as well as someone who, prior to retirement, spent nearly 30 years in the public sector responsible for delivering farm bill programs to the Garden State. From that unique perspective, I wish to express my gratitude to Congressman MacArthur for his support of this legislation. The Bill supports and enhances a strong flexible safety net for the commodities I produce. It furthermore provides financing to the next generation of farmers; keeps vital programs like "Jersey Fresh" and "Jersey Grown" alive through Title IX; enhances incentives to protect New Jersey's vital soil and water resources; and it strengthens America's commitment to vital research, to food safety and to enhanced trade. Most importantly, this Bill assists those who could not otherwise have access to healthy nutrition by offering a means to afford that good food while simultaneously providing the tools of personal prosperity by offering the training which leads to career opportunities.”

-Paul J. Hlubik, Backacres Farms, North Hanover Township

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