Congressman MacArthur's 9/11 Memorial Act to Become Law
Congressman MacArthur's 9/11 Memorial Act to Become Law
WASHINGTON, D.C.—After four years of championing this cause, Congressman Tom MacArthur's bipartisan bill, the 9/11 Memorial Act, will become law. Yesterday the Senate passed the 9/11 Memorial Act with a minor amendment and this afternoon, the House passed the final bill with overwhelming bipartisan support. It is now heading to the President to be signed into law.
In both the 114th and 115th Congress, MacArthur introduced and led this legislation to provide funding for the security, operation, and maintenance of the 9/11 and 1993 World Trade Center bombing memorial site in New York City. Until now, the memorial has been funded through private donations, creating concern that funding shortfalls could leave the site with inadequate security and expose visitors to danger.
"On what could be my last day of legislating in this Congress, I am glad to see Congress fulfill our commitment to the victims, survivors, families, and heroes of September 11, 2001. I was working in New York City on 9/11 and like so many South Jerseyans and Americans across the country, I shared in the devastation and pain of that terrible day," said Congressman MacArthur. "This law will provide stable funding for the security and operation of this vital memorial so that future generations may safely visit the site and never forget the 3,000 Americans we lost. It is our solemn duty to honor the fallen and protect the living, and it is humbling to see my House and Senate colleagues come together for a cause so near and dear to the lives of millions."