Congressman Sires Announces New Jersey Transit Being Awarded Railroad Safety Grants

Albio Sires

Congressman Sires Announces New Jersey Transit Being Awarded Railroad Safety Grants


Washington, D.C. – The Department of Transportation (DOT) announced that New Jersey Transit has been awarded nearly $6,550,000 in Consolidated Rail Infrastructure and Safety Improvement (CRISI) grants for Positive Train Control (PTC) implementation. This grant money can be used by NJ Transit to finish its work of installing a critical safety technology helps that prevents train-to-train collisions and derailments like the 2016 accident that took one life and injured over one hundred people in Hoboken. Congressman Sires has worked throughout the 115th Congress to provide robust funding for railroad safety grant programs like CRISI, which amounts to a federal investment in rail safety. 


“Just this week, I joined Governor Murphy and other state officials to congratulate NJ Transit for its significant progress in installing PTC hardware on its locomotives and along its tracks,” said Congressman Sires. “Now NJ Transit can finish the job by installing all the equipment, ensuring that the hardware is running well, and training their employees to use it. This grant award will help NJ Transit get to the finish line.” 


“I commend DOT for awarding NJ Transit this grant to get PTC up-and-running throughout its system. This technology is tailored to prevent accidents that injure people and take lives,” stated Rep. Sires. “Commuters deserve a transit system that safely gets them where they need to be, and I look forward to continuing my support for federal safety grant programs in the 116th Congress.”



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