Congressman Sires Co-Sponsors the 100% Clean Economy Act of 2019

Albio Sires

Congressman Sires Co-Sponsors the 100% Clean Economy Act of 2019

(Washington, D.C) – Today, Representative Albio Sires (D-NJ) issued the following statement following his co-sponsorship of the 100 % Clean Economy Act, introduced by Rep. Donald McEachin (D-VA):

“Climate change is a real and urgent issue which our generation has a moral responsibility to address. Mitigating the impacts of climate change must be a worldwide priority and, as the richest and most powerful country in the world, the United States must be a leader in this work. I have co-sponsored the 100% Clean Economy Act (H.R. 5221) because it is an important step in the right direction. 

“Ultimately, the goals in this legislation would transition our nation to a 100 percent clean economy by the year 2050. This is a laudable goal and, if our world is serious about addressing climate change, it is one we must achieve.”

This Act orders the heads of each federal agency to develop a plan to transition our country’s energy, housing, transportation, environmental, agricultural sectors away from the use of fossil fuels and to a 100 percent net-zero greenhouse gas emissions standard. The bill also orders the federal agencies to coordinate with each other to maximize the effectiveness of their plans. It was introduced on November 21, 2019 and is currently pending review before the House Committee on Energy and Commerce.

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