Congressman Sires Condemns the President’s Illogical Justification for Abandoning Kurdish Allies

Congressman Sires Condemns the President’s Illogical Justification for Abandoning Kurdish Allies
(Washington, DC) – Today, Congressman Albio Sires (D-NJ) released the following statement condemning President Trump’s abandonment of our Kurdish allies in favor of an authoritarian regime:
“The President’s justifications for abandoning our Kurdish allies in Syria are insulting and outside of any logical thought process. Rather than standing by our allies the way an honorable partner would, the President has used the insulting justification that the Kurdish people, who fought so bravely beside us against ISIS, don’t deserve our help because they didn’t storm the beaches of Normandy during World War II. By his own admission, Turkey was planning to attack our allies for a long time, and now he has cleared the path for them to do so. President Trump knows that President Erdogan plans to continue conducting deadly strikes and yet he made a choice that will lead to the deaths of thousands of men, women, and children. He is doing irreparable harm to our national security, partnerships, and future credibility. Why would any nation, or group, ally themselves with the United States when our own President has abandoned key partners to be slaughtered by an authoritarian masquerading as a democratically elected leader? He will have the blood of every single person who dies as a result of his decision on his hands.”