Congressman Sires Refutes President Trump’s Address

Congressman Sires Refutes President Trump’s Address
(Washington, D.C.) - Congressman Sires released the following statement regarding President Trump’s address to the American people:
“Last night, President Trump lied to the American people from the Oval Office. He claimed migrants are driven here solely in the hope of economic gain when most are fleeing violence, drug cartels, and hunger. He claimed a wall would stop drug trafficking across the border when government statistics show that most drugs are smuggled through legal ports of entry. He claimed migrants are violent people when statistics show that undocumented immigrants commit less violent crimes than the general population. He claimed migrants are causing a humanitarian crisis at the border, but the true humanitarian crisis stems from President Trump’s complete repudiation of American values, history, and culture. As an immigrant and the Representative for the 8th District of New Jersey, I reject the President’s fear mongering and believe that America will always be great so long as we remember our creation as a country of immigrants.”