Congressman Sires Slams Senator McConnell’s Call to Stop Aid to States

Albio Sires

Congressman Sires Slams Senator McConnell’s Call to Stop Aid to States

(Washington, D.C.)  Yesterdayin a radio interview, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) said that states should turn to bankruptcy rather than receive aid from the federal government in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic

“The statements by Senate Majority Leader McConnell are completely inappropriate and an insult to the people who are working hard every day to respond to the COVID-19 outbreak,” stated Rep. Albio Sires (D-NJ). “It is unfathomable that as millions of Americans are losing their jobs and turning to their states for unemployment assistance, Mitch McConnell would look at ways to pass off his responsibility to the American people rather than help them. Without federal aid states will be forced to cut vital programs and pensions that many are relying on right now and fire public employees who are risking their health to carry out essential services. McConnell is once again abandoning teachers, fire fighters, police officers, and more – putting their futures at risk in his pursuit of partisan politics. Calling direct aid to states and localities a “blue state bailout” shows that he does not understand that this virus does not respect state lines and the economic impact of this pandemic will be felt by people in Kentucky as well as New Jersey. It seems that McConnell has forgotten that many of those “blue states” he thinks should turn to bankruptcy are the ones sending more money to the federal government than they get backI agree with Governor Murphy and so many of my colleagues that McConnell is just flat out wrong. We need to stand with the American people, it is the only way we can weather this storm.”

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