Congressman Sires’ Statement on the Administration’s Decision to Shift U.S. – Cuba Policy



Congressman Sires’ Statement on the Administration’s Decision to Shift U.S. – Cuba Policy 



Washington, D.C. – Today, Congressman Sires issued the following statement regarding the Administration’s decision toshift U.S. – Cuba policy:



“I’m encouraged to see the President talk about the human rights of the Cuban people. However, it is only a first step; President Trump must back his words with actions. The Cuban people have suffered far too long under the iron fists of the Castro brothers who continue to deny basic freedoms to everyone on the island.

"I am disappointed to see that President Trump’s budget proposal would eliminate all funding to help Cubans who are fighting for democracy and human rights. These people risk their lives every day standing up to Raul Castro, suffering beatings, jail time, constant harassment, and even torture for defying this brutal dictatorship. I will continue working to protect the lives of oppressed people all over the world and urge the President to prioritize human rights as a guiding principle when crafting foreign policy towards strongmen everywhere, not just the Castro regime.”


Contact: Erica Daughtrey: 2019180033

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